Toddler Bottles

Hi friends! Hard to believe another weekend has come and gone. Just four more days till the next one. Are your weekends as crazy packed as ours have been? I'm so happy that summer is really finally here though and we are soaking up the longer days. 
Today I thought I'd just share a couple of new uses we've found for plastic bottles lately, that are coming in pretty handy.
First, I was getting tired of Thing Two always spilling the crayon bucket, but did want a way for Thing One to easily get to his crayons. This is what I came up with, and it's totally working for us. 

I cut a cleaned out two-liter soda bottle in half with a craft knife, and filled the bottle half with crayons. To get the top on you have to make a little indent in the rim of the bottom, by just pushing it in and squeezing (think make a little pac-man).

It's easy for me to get the top on and off, but Thing Two can't get it off. It doesn't spill if the top's on, and Thing Two likes putting stray crayons in the top and watching them fall into the bottle.

In fact, he likes it so much that I made him this little activity with a water bottle and pipe cleaners cut in half. He loves to put them in, take them out and take the lid on and off. Obviously your toddler has to be past the putting things in their mouth stage to play with the top, but thankfully Thing Two is. 

This quiet activity was a life saver at a wedding last weekend. Trash + craft supplies = most entertaining thing ever. Why do we even buy toys? I'm not sure.

Hope your week is off to a good start!

Thanks for reading!
- Haley


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