Summer Bath Stickers

I know I already posted about how to make your own foam bath "stickers," but I thought you might want to see our newest collection. I made Thing One a summer set. We are planning a trip to the beach this summer so I wanted to do a beach scene, complete with wildlife.

I forgot to mention this last time, but the trick I use to cut out good looking shapes is to first draw the shape lightly on the foam with the scissor point. It makes a slight indent in the foam and then you can look at it and adjust it (trace new lines) if you want. Then when you're happy with it, cut it out and other lines you traced will disappear in a few minutes so you don't have any pen or trace marks and you don't waste any foam if you don't do a great job on the first one. I'm not a super artist, so I am a big fan of lots of chances to get it right! (Yes, I'm the mom that draws something and then nervously asks my kid, "Look what I drew." and half the time he says, "What is it?" and then I say, "It's a duck!" and he says "Oh yeah it kinda looks like a duck...a little bit.") 

I drew on them with fine point permanent markers again to create some details. I only had a few colors of foam on hand, but when you work with what you've got you get something new for free : )

Thing One has been begging me to make him some letters. He's really into spelling right now, so I made some that I think he will be able to make quite a few short word combos out of.

And now for something disturbing: I had heard once that rubber squirty bath toys can collect bacteria that you can't get out. I didn't think it would happen to us. I rinsed his toys every time, bought a special container to drain and keep them in, and tried to squirt the water out of the toys most the time. But alas a couple of months ago we became suspicious that his toys could be collecting gunk inside. So I cut open a rubber duck and it was grey-black inside. I immediately threw out all of his toys that suck up water. And now foam stickers are our bath toy of choice.  The other thing I love about these bath toys is that they fit into a flat little ziplock so they are perfect to bring with you when you travel.

I'll let you go look suspiciously at your kid's squirty bath toys now. I'm sorry that you'll never see them the same way. But on the bright side, these foam scenes are cheap and easy to make : )

Thanks for reading.
- Haley


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