New Uses: Chopsticks

We've been pretty much glued to the TV since the Olympics started, but that doesn't mean we haven't been crafting : ) Real Simple has a feature they call New Uses for Old Things. They take a common household thing and show you a few new ways to put it to use. So here's my take on that with chopsticks, and of course an Olympic tie in.

First up, I showed you already that we made some flags from around the world for the Opening Ceremonies. I forgot to mention that to make them we just used construction paper and chopsticks.

After we glued the flag together we used a glue stick to glue about 3/4" on one edge. Then we rolled it onto the chopstick. They were perfect flag sticks. 

 Family Fun had an article about pool noodle Olympics (but I can't find it now on their website). We made the noodle rings (which we've made into a giant ring toss using Thing One's tee-ball stand) and also these hurdles. 

You just push two chopsticks into the ground and put the hollow noodle ends over them. If you put them closer together you can make it a soccer goal, further apart makes a great hurdle.

Finally another Family Fun project: the rhythmic ribbon. Jodi at Meaningful Mama also posted a little tutorial for these here. It says to use a dowel, but I thought a chopstick would work great and it does.

Chopsticks are made of softer wood, so I was able to just push the tack into the end. After pushing it in I took it out and added a little blob of hot glue to the pin before pushing it in again a little further. So far this has kept the thumbtack from coming out.

Well there you have it. Three ways to use chopsticks for all your Olympic fun. Only a few days of Olympics left so soak it up. Olympics are rarer than birthday you know!

Thanks for reading
- Haley


  1. So fun! We are doing Olympic activities too. I wish I had seen this before we did hurdles yesterday. I was wanting to do the ribbon too, but I wasn't sure how to do it. Now we can do it tomorrow! Thanks for sharing such great ideas!

  2. Awesome! Love those hurdles. Next time I am eating sushi I will grab some extra chop sticks. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!


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