Dinosaur Day

Some days it's hard to be the only girl in the house. This is about as girly as it gets sometimes.  

Anyway, we recently did an indoor dinosaur day. I say indoor, because I have been saving up a bunch of fun activities to do an outdoor dino day as well when the weather is nicer. It's amazing how you can make something feel more special just by making it a theme. These are all things we have done before, but when we do them all on the same day, it's so much cooler to the kids. Weird, I know, but I'll take it. 

We read Danny and the Dinosaur and played with dinosaurs.

Thing One did some dino art.

We ate like herbivores: spinach, agave, blueberries, strawberries, and vanilla soy milk. You can use almond milk, or whatever kind you like. No offense, dairy, we drink you all the time, it's just that the non-dairy milks give spinach smoothies more flavor and sweetness, plus more calcium, and variety is the spice of life! I don't use a recipe, but if I did it would be something like:

1 1/2 cups frozen berries
1 1/2 cups soy milk or almond milk
1/2 cup juice or water
2 cups spinach
1 Tbsp of agave or honey -optional
(I always put the spinach on top, so it gets puréed last). I usually have to stir it once. Add more liquid if it doesn't combine after the stir. I love that I can get my kids to eat this much spinach and fruit at once.

I don't know if they look more like lava or mud, but either way, the boys liked them. 

We finished with a special dinosaur Elmo movie, and that was our dinosaur day! Hope you are having a fun and creative day today!
- Haley


  1. Yum! That shake looks awesome. I love Danny and the dinosaur. I have a very old book from when I was a kid. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!

    1. I actually remember checking this out of my school library when I was little. It's fun to do things with your kids, that you did when you were a kid : ) Thanks for reading, Janine!


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